Astoria's premiere half marathon, 10k, and 5k. Enjoy a run on the Astoria River Walk and head to the afterparty at Buoy Beer's Lagerfest. Registration includes a shirt, medal, and a beverage from Buoy Beer Company. Run on the River proceeds go to funding swimming lessons and scholarships to APRD youth programs.
Buoy Beer will be hosting Lagerfest post-race at their new Taproom Location at 1343 Duane St. Runners and volunteers will receive a beverage. We will have NA and GF beverage options.
Run on the River draws hundreds of locals and visitors. Sponsorship levels vary from $500 mile-markers to $2500-sponsorships, with associated levels of business-promotion and marketing for donors.
Sign up to Volunteer at Run on the River and get all the perks! Volunteers get a meal and beverage the day of the race. PLUS, volunteers may join us for the volunteer training the Wednesday before and you'll also be treated to a beverage.